David V. Axene, FSA, CERA, FCA, MAAA
David Axene founded Axene Health Partners, LLC in 2003 with a unique vision to integrate actuarial science and the practice of medicine to improve the health care industry. He is an internationally recognized health consultant providing consulting to all types of health care organizations including:
- Health plans: HMOs, PPOs, managed care plans, BlueCross Blue Shield plans, insurance companies, etc.
- Healthcare providers: hospitals, medical groups, ancillary providers, etc.
- Various governments and government programs: federal, state and local, international, Medicare, Medicaid, CHAMPUS, social systems.
- Employer health benefit plan sponsors
- Healthcare innovation and technology companies
- Medical device and technology suppliers, etc.
- Dispute resolution services: expert testimony, arbitrator, mediator, etc.
David is recognized as a strategist and industry thought leader. He is a frequent speaker and writer on healthcare issues. He previously served as Chair of the Society of Actuaries Health Section Council and the Entrepreneurial Actuaries Section. He is a certified ARIAS-US arbitrator.
Prior to establishing AHP, David enjoyed a successful consulting career at Ernst & Young, LLP and Milliman & Robertson, Inc. While at Ernst & Young, he was responsible for the firm’s health actuaries. He was an Equity Principal with Milliman & Robertson, Inc. (i.e., now Milliman USA) where he led their healthcare management consulting activities, including founding their Care Guidelines division.
His professional designations include: Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst, Fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries, and Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.
In addition to his actuarial credentials, David earned a Master of Science in applied mathematics from the University of Washington, and a Bachelor of Science in physics and engineering from Seattle Pacific University.
David has served on multiple non-for-profit Boards including Azusa Pacific University, Town & Country Manor, The Awakening Church, the Benefits Board and the South Pacific District of the Christian & Missionary Alliance.
David is married and has three married children and 11 grandchildren. He and his wife live in the Dallas, Texas area.