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Greg Fann Quoted in Bloomberg Law Article on Insurer Payments under the Affordable Care Act

AHP Consulting Actuary Greg Fann, FSA, FCA, MAAA was quoted in a recent Bloomberg Law article focused on the upholding of a rule preserving insurer payments under the Affordable Care Act.

“There are some unresolved items that aren’t going to go away with this rule being finalized,” Greg Fann, a senior consulting actuary with Axene Health Partners LLC in Temecula, Calif., told Bloomberg Law Dec. 7.

“Some of the smaller, less established plans have been disavantaged by this,” Fann said. “You’re taking money from some plans and giving to others. It’s really not a surprise that some health plans are going to find that formula to be inequitable, that they’re getting the raw end of the deal.”

You can read the the full article at the link below with a free trial sign up. For more information on how this may affect your practice, contact Greg Fann.


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