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Statement from AHP on Racial Injustice

AHP recognizes there are many protests happening around the country at this time. In unity, we want to make our position on this issue crystal clear to all. The inequitable treatment of black people and all other people of color must end. We stand together against all forms of racism and injustice. It is unfortunate that we as a country find ourselves in this position.

AHP’s mission statement focuses on having a positive impact on the healthcare system and our clients. In this, there is no room for racism, bigotry, or hate. We, as a firm, care for all people and their God-given rights and abilities. Our firm’s published culture statement references mutual respect, trust, relationships, transparency and integrity. The unfortunate issues of the day cannot exist in that type of culture. And it’s clear the firm should expand our mission statement to include the healthcare system, our clients and the community at large. To our staff, our clients, and the various publics we serve we want to assure and affirm that we are different and commit to being difference-makers as it relates to these issues.


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