The Inspire Blog
Actuarial Insights Delivered to Your In Box!
December 2, 2020
What if I told you that two sentences in a rate filing guidance could potentially add $5 billion of federal subsidies to the individual market and bring substantial premium relief...
November 25, 2020
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides states with multiple opportunities to improve their local markets. Most options involve a significant investment, both staff time and financial resources. Earlier this year...
November 23, 2020
While health insurers and health plans have historically assumed most of the risk associated with managing the healthcare dollar, recent trends towards capitation and bundled payments show providers having an increased appetite...
November 19, 2020
Last year I developed a ranking system for analyzing consumer value in ACA markets across all 50 states[1]. It was a fun and enlightening exercise. Please see the link below for last year’s rankings which will include the details of...
October 19, 2020
Many people think Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the name of a health insurance company. When asked, we often hear people say, “My health insurance is through Blue Cross”. They get confused when followed-up with...
October 8, 2020
The general election is less than a month away as of this writing. Health care is at the top of mind for many as an issue this election—as it was in the last election and the one before that. Access to health care has gained...
September 15, 2020
A recent summary of “Where Joe Biden Stands on 10 Important Issues” notes his defense of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in a Washington Post editorial. It was the “most people” reference in the quotation above that drew...
September 10, 2020
The high mortality associated with COVID-19 cases in nursing homes is staggering. As of September 1, COVID-19-related deaths in long-term care (LTC) facilities comprise more than half of documented deaths from the disease...
August 31, 2020
Four years ago today, the New York Times acknowledged “Obamacare Marketplaces Are in Trouble” and asked, “What Can Be Done?”. It was not a surprising headline at the time as we were all aware of...
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